Strongly emphasized planets in Corrina’s Chart……In depth look at the planets in the Angular houses

Houses of the Zodiac
Houses are divisions of the zodiac, starting with the point that was on the eastern horizon when the individual, country, business, action, or thought was born. While the expression of the twelve zodiac signs is all pervasive, that of the ascendant and the houses is intensely personal to the individual. Thus, the signs represent the physiological and psychological anatomy of an individual, the planets function as modifiers of that pattern, then the houses represent the outward environment and avenue of expression for the energy pattern. The twelve houses reflect the meanings of the twelve signs and are grouped into three Quadratures of their own: angular, succedent, and cadent.An Angular house sits on an angle. The angles are the four cardinal points of the chart: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Nadir. Planets located inn these houses are tradationally held to be strengthened by this position. This is also known as “accidentally dignified.” The angular houses are the First, Fourth, Seventh, and Tenth House, corresponding to the Cardinal signs.


Fourth House – Angular
The Fourth House represents the nurturing parent, home, enviroment, domestic affairs, and general condition at the end of life. Also rules the outlook regarding lands, property, and the result of undertakings with respect to these. Also represents the emotional warehouse of memories from which one operates subconsciously.




The fourth house is the second angular house, and as with all angular houses it is associated with external manifestation such as events and relationships. It is the root of power, the core of the inner being. Some call it the “Seat of the Soul.” It represents our basic foundation in life, the security we create for ourselves, the rock on which we anchor the edifice of our life. It is our basic roots, psychological foundation, home base, physical house, domestic life, the “nest.”

The fourth house represents our family heredity, our genetic heredity, the biological, psychological and cultural heritage of our family clan, our past memories and personal subconscious. It is the extended family, the tribe, and the nation. Patriotism is a fourth house matter. The fourth house is also the end of life, the grave, and the final resting-place. It, like Cancer, is the “womb and the tomb.”

The sign on the cusp and the planets in this house describe our nurturing parent. Some say it is the mother in a man’s chart and the father in a woman’s. I have found it depends on the individual chart, for the fourth and tenth houses together represent the parental complex. It contains the symbols and myths we hold about our family, its traditions, and ourselves. The fourth is our most private, intimate self. It shows who we are when “at home with our shoes off.” It includes our attitudes toward roommates, family of procreation, spouse and children, and pet animals that serve as surrogate babies. It often represents the first child, especially in a woman’s chart.


 Pluto (28° Virgo) on the cusp of the fourth house (25 Virgo)

Pluto in the fourth house gives great will power, stamina, and possible ruthlessness.  The person has the ability to ferret out the secrets of others if he chooses. Sometimes the manifestations are very literal.

With Uranus here, life is never predictable. There are sudden moves. The actual house circumstances may be unusual – maybe Mother was an oddball, Dad a genius, or vice versa. [I THINK IT IS VICE VERSA – DEFINITELY MUM’S A GENIUS AND DAD AN ODDBALL!]


You often have to know a person for a long time and quite well before they let you see their fourth house personality, the roots of their being. It is the hidden power spot of their chart and their most private self. The fourth house is our “bottom line.”’ It may contain buried treasure, or it may be the dungeon which contains the dragon.


The Fourth House shows your home and how you tend to act there. It also shows relationship with the parent of lesser influence, usually the father, the first few years of your life, and, paradoxically, the last years of your life, what we become as we get older.

The 4th is where we go when we collapse. It rules home and family, ancestors and homeland. It provides a literal retreat. Push ourselves too hard and we’ll likely end up at home, sick in bed. Suffer a devastating loss and we may knock on the door of a family member and ask to be taken in. But the 4th is just as much a retreat of the imagination. It is our psychic hearth. It holds the memories that both comfort and haunt us. As the base of our chart, it represents both the ground and mystery of our being……OUR ROOTS!

Whatever your birth time, any planets in the 4th will have a “midnight” reality. Fourth house territory is what you find when, late at night, you close your eyes. It’s what you encounter when you’re all alone in the dark. Planets here lie beneath your surface. They are as deeply private as those in the opposite 10th are inescapably public. It’s difficult to talk about 4th house planets. The meanings are clear enough, you can talk about such histories, but opening them up and touching them, for they do live on, is difficult.

Pluto on the cusp of the 4th house.

Pluto in 4th (Cardinal) House ……

At the deepest roots of their life Pluto will be cleansing and transforming in the sphere of family relations and sense of belonging. The fourth house is closely connected with our deepest self, psychological roots and feeling of protection. 

Those born with Pluto in the 4th house may have experienced something dramatic in the family home, and whatever it was it can sometimes make them feel isolated and rootless. Perhaps there was much that was hidden or secret in their childhood, and this has changed them indefinitely.

According to modern astrology the fourth house rules the father, and everything we inherit from our immediate family. Pluto in the 4th house can show early intimidation, and the father may appear threatening to the child, even if his behaviour has unwarranted this powerful reaction. On the other hand, the father may have abandoned this individual which had a profound affect on the  growing up, and his absence leaves psychological wounds. Another possibility is that he had difficulty in expressing his emotions, suffered from deep depression or was distant.

The 4th house can signifies the death/abandonment of one of the parents, more likely the father. Sometimes the death of a family member has effected the child deeply. The parents may have been struggling to come to terms with a significant loss. The family may have broken up, lost its home, suffered bankruptcy, etc. Pluto in the 4th house is deeply private and secretive about their home life. One of the best outlets for this placement is to “dig up” the family history, and explore old secrets. The complexes and traumas formed in early childhood, if unresolved, often seethe below the level of conscious awareness, and the individual carries a hefty weight of grief and resentment over old hurts 

The individual might want to cut off their feelings altogether, it may feel as if something dangerous underneath threatens to overwhelm them. Pluto in the 4th house represents heavy emotional baggage, which must be explored and healed. There may have even been something considered taboo about their roots and parentage, and the family might have been persecuted in the past. A parents paranoia, obsessive behavior or depressive moods, may have permeated the environment.This can all affect how you feel about family and living at home.

When Pluto is placed in the house of the home, they may want to relocate, emigrate, utterly reinvent where they are living, or build a new place to live. This will usually happen when they feel they have outgrown phase of their life. Sometimes forces beyond their control part them with their past, but they will discover a renewed sense of belonging and transform in the process. Pluto in the 4th house may be involved with tearing down old homes and rebuilding them. The home might have been badly damaged and in need of repair. The situation often forces them to tap into their inner resources.

*Corrina, I believe my terrible past is the ‘shadow’ /secrets hidden. Also many of these secrets have only just come to light after a lifetime and after my serious illness, all very Plutonian! 

Joel has his Pluto in the 10th house (Midheaven) which is at the top of the family/ancestor line, exactly opposite to yours which is at the root of the family /ancestor line. Interesting!

My Moon is in your 10th House! My Moon is in Joel’s 4th house…….Both on the Family line (Moon represents the mother in astrology) My Moon is also in Georgia’s 10th house! Funny enough my Moon is on the cusp of Jack’s house of union (7th house) I can’t see your dad in either Joel’s or your chart, except for the reference above (“the father may have abandoned this individual which had a profound affect on the  growing up, and his absence leaves psychological wounds”)!!

Pluto on the 4th (Cardinal) house Cusp?

“Anyone have this placement? I am always looking into it trying to find more of a meaning. I once read it is possible the person with this aspect was born in a home where supernatural craft was a common practice, or there is other supernatural activity in or around the home. Also you were probably born around swamp or marshy areas. This can go much deeper psychologically but is the 4th angle an intense place for Pluto?”……Posted on Tribe website by Autumn Rose

*Corrina you were born in Gillingham Maternity Home very close to the Medway estuary and extensive marshlands.

*I never actually carried out witchcraft, but always thought l would have been burnt as a witch were I unfortunate enough to be born in the middle ages! There is no doubt that people that cross me come to a sticky end though!

Pluto was discovered when it was transiting in Cancer,  so any links/aspects with Cancer/Moon will be important. (the 4th house is Cancer and ruled by the Moon)

Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun, was the 1st to be discovered in modern times. This blue-green gas giant, which was discovered by William Herschel on 13th March 1871, is an eccentric oddity in our Solar System. It has an orbit of 84 years and stays in each sign for about 7 years. The rotational axis of Uranus points east and west instead of the more common north and south poles, and rotates in reverse direction from most of the other planets. With these oddities in mind it should come as no surprise to find that Uranus rules the eccentric and revolutionary.

Uranus in the 4th House

As a general rule, at the end of your childhood, you quickly leave your ‘ home’ because your thirst for independence is incompatible with a quiet life with your ‘; in other cases, the atmosphere in your family is quite extravagant, even chaotic, and it is difficult for you to become stabilized, to feel secure, even though you need it for your balance. You are craving for it and this is what prompts you to leave your roots, sooner or later.

You are prone to unexpected home moves. Paradoxically enough, it seems that, as soon as you achieve stability, something makes you itch. You may be too sensitive, and when tense situations emerge, you feel an irresistible need for change. The best way to handle these problems may be that you, yourself, organize your instability at home, for instance through extensive outings or trips. In any case, you should manage to create the impression that you are not in the same place for too long.

The stages of your life unfold without continuity as if there was a rupture between each successive environment created as time goes by. The past disappears quite abruptly and allows you to grow faster. It is up to you to find some stability or some security elsewhere!

Uranus in Cancer or the 4th House

If Uranus is posited in Cancer or your 4th house you may find that you can regard to your family with mixed motions. You will find members of your family to be inspired, if not a bit eccentric at times. You will feel more secure if you have a multitude of electronic gadgets at your disposal because you prefer to stay on the cutting edge of technology. You see your mother and other family members as friends so you will tend to socialise with them much of your time. You often invite friends and acquaintances to your home because you like to socialise in those places where you feel most secure.

A Treatise on Astrology

By Aleister Crowley

Uranus in the Fourth House

“Uranus in the fourth house possesses no such importance in moulding the character or mind as in the first, third or ninth. It seems to be busy with more material affairs, and as is always the case with the planet, his operation is much better on the higher than on the lower.

With regard to the father, there is likely to be any amount of trouble, it is not unlikely that he may commit suicide or become mad. In any case, he will be a very queer character and it is improbable that the native will get on well with him. The house will in no case be a good environment. To go away from one’s house in an astrological sense, does not necessarily or always mean to quit the locality, it may imply what is after all a much more radical departure, a change in the mode of life from that which might have been expected from the environment of infancy. A child is not likely to succeed in that line of life for which his parents designed him, when he has this position of Uranus. Everyone of the famous people who have this placing  has this clement of disturbance…..Shakespeare ran away from home!

The freedom of Libra, an airy sign, will give play to the impulses of Uranus; in fact, one might almost say that he is never more himself than when he is in this sign.”

AND with such a favourable trine with Mars! All this with added energy!

A person with a fourth house Uranus likes to live his life with freedom and re-establish his rights on his own terms. Such a person lives away from any kind of chaos in the family and home. Home reflects the uniqueness of his thoughts and preferences. A fourth house Uranus represents the element of freedom and free expression. A fourth house Uranus makes a person genius and courageous. A struggled childhood is indicated with this placement due to some family circumstances and norms that didn’t fit well.



Tenth House – Angular
The Tenth House rules profession, career, honour, fame, social status, promotion, the employer, affairs of the country or government. It also governs the relationship with the individual’s mother. This house describes the individual’s vocation, his life’s work.

Venus in 10th House

Venus in the 10th house is considered one of the best indicators for success. Those with Venus here want to contribute something positive and loving to the world, and pleasure comes from their career or professional life. The individual may be interested in careers that favour the arts, counselling, diplomacy, or design. They want to be recognised for their beauty, financial skills, artistic gifts, diplomatic gifts or loving nature. The person may have a good reputation for being supportive and co-operative of team efforts. The individual’s people skills and ability to socialize with people of influence can help benefit them. Venus in the 10th house will enable the individual to establish an immediate rapport with others.

The tenth house is concerned with honour, profession and success in life. It is one of the most important angles in the natal chart. Public relationships are significant in their lives, and the tenth house determines their motivation and push for a successful career. Sometimes the tenth house describes what the individual will do career-wise, alternatively it may signify how they approach and move towards their vocation in life.

The person knows how to turn on the charm in public situations and is talented at making and maintaining contacts. Venus in the 10th house signifies that love and harmony is directed towards their ambitions, but the other side of Venus may show jealousy and rivalry. The Midheaven is the most elevated part of the horoscope and so an individual with Venus here is often considered popular in his or her public life, and they may be liked by authority figures and have a good reputation for being cooperative and supportive of team efforts.

Venus here may also be attracted to partners who are accomplished in some way, maybe older or more established, or marriage and career are closely shared. Traditional textbooks state that this person often marries above their station in life. A harmonious working life is desired, but the aspects need to be examined to see how easily this can be achieved. Venus in the 10th house often describes a loving relationship with the mother and she may be viewed as the beloved and attractive one. In some cases a daughter may have felt that she was in competition and rivalry with her mother. This position can also favour benefits from parents.

Pleasure is found in their career and they value their social image. Venus in the 10th house may represent a love and respect for structure and establishment. This person easily attracts career opportunities and likes to be admired in their chosen vocation and sometimes the vocational choice has something to do with the female sex and help and support may also come through them.

Mercury in 10th house
(Mercury 27° Aries) 

“The planet Mercury is a well perceived benefit planet which is recognized to bestow most of the goodness in the native’s life and specially affecting the career path of the person. Here, the arrival of Mercury in 10th house expresses surety of success in the professional life but through true efforts & hard work. The natives born with Mercury in 10th house would carry a very sincere and determined approach towards their professional path and would put the entire required endeavor to reach the highest mounts. Besides this, Mercury provides supreme attributes of eloquence and writing along with admirable management and creative skills. These native’s won’t depend on any one else for their growth as they will believe only upon their own steps.

The natives having Mercury in tenth house are perceived to be involved in professions comprising public relations in some way or those requiring higher communication skills. Besides this, they are free personas as specially with their professional aspects for which they could be found changing their job profiles many a times but they won’t take hasty decisions or they could even be found being involved in more than one pursuit.

They require all the required freedom in the air of work place to be at their best besides which they are believed to be at dominating positions in their professional arena as to rule over others or they would have a very strong position even if they won’t be ruling many. They carry great vigor at their work place and are truly vivacious but serious with work as they will not let the surrounding go bore but will also accomplish their work well and precisely. The natives of this placement having Mercury in tenth house would be happy and satisfied with their professional aspects and are believed to lead a blissful life with good wealth and admirable success. They will receive good favours from government and authority people and would hold strong relations around which would be beneficial for them in the social as well as professional arena.

The natives of this placement in tenth would attain great success in business or in religious places for the betterment of life and should stay away from immoral drinking and non vegetarian food as that would would bring adverse impacts to the person.”